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本研究从徐州市不同类型的学校按比例随机抽取10所作为研究样本,对应调查的学校全部男高中生以无记名的形式自我填写调查表,得到有效答卷共2008份,筛选出偶尔吸烟者(每天>1支)1021人,经常吸烟者(每天≥1支)155人。对两种吸烟者进行了18条动因分析。偶尔吸烟者前六位吸烟动因依次为应付礼节、仿效他人、交朋友、消闲,作为男子汉的标志,好奇性。经常吸烟者前六位吸烟动因依次为交朋友、消闲、应付礼节,作为一种享受,仿效他人,做为男子汉的标志。 In this study, 10 randomly selected samples from different types of schools in Xuzhou City were used as research samples. All male high school students who filled in the questionnaire filled in questionnaires by themselves, and obtained a total of 2008 valid questionnaires, screened out occasional smokers > 1) 1021 people, regular smokers (daily ≥ 1 branch) 155 people. There were 18 motivations for the two smokers. The first six smokers, who occasionally smoked, were motivated by etiquette, imitating others, making friends, and relaxing as a sign of macho, curiosity. Frequent smokers in the top six motivation to make friends in turn, leisure, to meet etiquette, as a pleasure, follow others, as a sign of the man.
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