Comparative Study of Two Approaches to Model the Offshore Fish Cages

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moyixin
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The goal of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of two commonly used approaches to discretize offshore fish cages: the lumped-mass approach and the finite element technique. Two case studies are chosen to compare predictions of the LMA(lumped-mass approach) and FEA(finite element analysis) based numerical modeling techniques. In both case studies, we consider several loading conditions consisting of different uniform currents and monochromatic waves. We investigate motion of the cage, its deformation, and the resultant tension in the mooring lines. Both model predictions are sufficient close to the experimental data, but for the first experiment, the DUT-Flex Sim predictions are slightly more accurate than the ones provided by Aqua-FETM. According to the comparisons, both models can be successfully utilized to the design and analysis of the offshore fish cages provided that an appropriate safety factor is chosen. The goal of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of two commonly used approaches to discretize offshore fish cages: the lumped-mass approach and the finite element technique. Two case studies are chosen to compare predictions of the LMA (lumped-mass approach) and FEA (finite element analysis) based numerical modeling techniques. In both case studies, we consider several loading conditions consisting of different uniform currents and monochromatic waves. We investigate motion of the cage, its deformation, and the resultant tension in the mooring lines. Both model predictions are sufficient close to the experimental data, but for the first experiment, the DUT-Flex Sim predictions are slightly more accurate than the ones provided by Aqua-FETM. According to the comparisons, both models can be successfully utilized to the design and analysis of the offshore fish cages provided that an appropriate safety factor is chosen.
在证明圆中某些问题时,若能根据题设条件引圆的切线为辅助线,则常可使问题化难为易,巧妙获证。为此,本文拟举例介绍以下几种引圆切线证题的常用方法: 方法1 若题设中有圆外
我们在义务教材《几何》第一册中,学习了平行线的两条性质: 两直线平行,同位角相等; 两直线平行,内错角相等。我们还知道:如果一个角的两边平行于另一个角的两边,那么这两个
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