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  Last night I dreamt that I went back to grandma’s again. I pushed open the iron gate. The little stone path was covered with weeds and fallen leaves. The poor roses, once so lovely and lush, crouched at the corner of the yard, with its buds nipped, branches broken and several lonely leaves hanging motionless, worm-eaten, seeming to be subjugated to the whips of the wind. The mango trees had thrown out new low branches which stretched across my way. I came upon the small house suddenly, and stood there with my heart beating fast, my throat choked and tears coming to my eyes.
  The house had run silent; ivy occupied the walls and tried to swallow the house in one bite. I stood there, vaguely conscious, gripping my fists, I could swear that the house was not an empty shell but survived and breathed as it had lived before. I saw grandma every here and there, didn’t I?Every corner of the house recorded our laughter and whispers about her first sight love. There was so much to recall, but the house was now only a witness of the past. Light came from the wooden windows; the curtains sobbed softly in the moonlight, but moonlight could play strange tricks with the fancy, even with a dreamer’s.
  Some queer and unfamiliar feeling crawled up to my knees, inch by inch, onto my chest, and then into my ear; it whispered with a muffled voice—she’s gone. The truth injected into me bit by bit, and bit by bit, it sent desperation down my spine. I tried to call grandma, but my voice seemed to have abandoned me. Suddenly something sad struck me; tears struggled out of my eyes.
  Grandma raised her six children on her own when grandpa passed away and never wanted a second marriage. I wouldn’t say she was strong and tough. Kind and gentle, these were the words that I could employ to describe her; her love to me was common and pure as be any grandma’s in the world. Go visit her as I may, she would always hold me tight in her arms, peruse me, and cook me some delicacies.
  Time elapsed without a trace, and it stole her health, together with her youth, fled away, to a distant land where no one ever touched.
  Then came the day of silence and sorrow.
  Grandma was lying in the bed, under her was a snow-white sheet, and against it, her faces were pale. Tubes went into her left arm. Father made room for me, and I quickly sat close to her, my hand grasped hers.
  “It does not hurt, my child, really.” said she.
  Something moved, deep inside me. Some shapeless thing—more than a bone—tore at my throat, trying to make me cry. But I was not going to cry though tears rushed up and knocked my eyes.   But if I wasn’t going to cry, then why I could not open my mouth even though I wanted, at least I’ve tried, to give her comfort. I simply had to nod my head to say yes. So I nodded.
  “It is nobody’s fault. Smile!” She uttered out these in a trembling voice.
  I wanted to go on looking at her because I really wanted to; I knew I would no longer have the chance. But still I had to look away from her, for tears had finally overcome me.
  “Don’t cry, silly boy.” she tried to smile. Tears came out, and slowly, slowly indeed, slipped down her cheeks.
  I put my face to hers, and I could feel the tears warm—a warmness of love and of sadness.
  “Let me kiss you, my…”
  I made it for her.
  “Be strong!” These were her last words.
  Another sleepless night it was; the heavy rain was killing the last days of autumn, knocking at the window, trying to echo a sad rhythm. Silently I picked up myself from the bed, sat still, feeling alone.
【摘要】在中职教学阶段,大部分教師通常会将教学的重点放在学生的专业能力教学上。在日常教学中,会引导学生开展一些与专业知识相关的实践性活动,但是在这种情况下,人文化的教学内容就会被教师所忽视。此外,在当前的社会中,英语已经成为大众交流中一种通用的语言,中职学生倘若没有掌握这项技能,那么自身的发展就会受到一定的限制。基于此,本文将对如何在中职英语教学中应用远程教学手段进行分析。  【关键词】中职英语教
【摘要】很多一线的英语教师都在尝试进行英语绘本阅读教学,绘本教学是一种新的教学模式,但是,由于绘本教学出现时间短,教师还没有对绘本这一教学题材形成深刻的理解,本文归纳了教师在进行绘本阅读教学设计时的一些方法,希望可以帮助小学英语教师正确运用绘本教学。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本阅读;教学设计  【作者简介】徐建梅,重庆市沙坪坝区汇育学校。  一、关于绘本  1.绘本的发展。绘本17世纪在欧洲面世,
【摘要】随着新课程的改革,“减负增效”成为教师工作的重点,当然高效的课堂教学也成了目前课堂教学的主流。要想提高学生的英语综合能力,高效课堂的开展就显得尤为重要了,通过有效的教学手段和策略激发学生学习兴趣,提高教学的高效性,为学生以后的学习打下扎实的基础。结合初中英语,以及自身的教学经验,本文针对如何开展高效的课堂教学方法作了如下分析。  【关键词】中学英语;高效教学;教学方法  【作者简介】韩超越
【摘要】随着信息技术的发展,电子商务贸易占据贸易市场份额越来越大。英语是世界上使用最广泛的国家,在跨境电商交易过程中,需要广泛使用英语,因此,培养更多从事跨境电商的商务英语专业人才对促进贸易具有重要作用。目前的商务英语人才培养方案存在教学模式陈旧,人才培养定位不准等诸多问题,找到合适的解决办法,探索出一条合适的商务英语人才培养道路具有重要意义。  【关键词】跨境电商;商务英语;教学改革  【作者简
【摘要】伴随着基础教育改革的不断实施,英语课程是培养学生英语语言综合应用能力和核心素养的重要组成部分,也是中学教育的重要课程资源。然而因诸多客观因素的制约,许多薄弱中学的英语教学仍然存在相当大的差距。为了更好地完成教学任务,培养学生的学习能力,分析问题并提出其应对策略,不但有利于深化和推动薄弱中学英语学科教育改革的进一步发展,也是顺应时代要求,为学生的终身发展奠定良好的基础。  【关键词】薄弱;中
【摘要】随着教育的改革与发展,翻转课堂都吸引了许多高校的青睐,尤其是在语言教学中被广泛运用。本文通过对翻转课堂的理解与分析,从大学日语教育听说技能训练模式的角度出发对翻转课堂的运用进行了相关的探讨。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大学日语;听说技能;模式探讨  【作者简介】刘步庭(1982.04-),女,汉族,湖北武汉人,湖北第二师范学院外国语学院,讲师,研究生学历,研究方向:日语语言学,日语教育。  目
【Abstract】This paper uses an entry point that represents the implementation of educating and training outstanding engineers project (the following abbreviations excellence program), and analyze and so