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受广州图书馆人文馆邀约,中山大学历史人类学研究中心粤剧粤曲文化工作室自2016年5月起,在广州图书馆9楼人文馆承办“粤剧粤曲大家谈”系列讲座,每月一期,邀约了梁素琴、蒋文端、梁文通、陈仲琰等粤剧粤曲表演艺术家以及沈秉和、程美宝、周仕深等粤剧粤曲研究学者,从人文历史、唱腔表演、音乐拍和、穗港澳交流融合等不同视角切入,以展演配合讲解的方式,把粤剧粤曲粤乐艺术中一些具有指标意义但容易被现代人所忽略的特征展示出来,并挖掘剖析其间的演变轨迹及原因等。到场聆听讲座观众超过2000人次,不仅成为粤剧粤曲爱好者固定关注的活动,也吸引了众多图书馆一般读者,尤其是年轻人的注意,为粤剧粤曲文化在公众空间传播提供了一个成功的范例。2016年9月3日下午,粤剧当红花旦、国家一级演员,第二十五届“梅花奖”获得者蒋文端应邀在广州图书馆负一层1号报告厅举行“粤剧表演艺术之美”讲演,这是“粤剧粤曲大家谈”系列讲座第五讲。下文是一位土生土长的广州年轻人去听这场讲座的心得及思考。 With the invitation of the Guangzhou Museum of Humanities, the Cantonese Opera Cantonese Opera Culture Center of the Center for Historical Anthropology at Sun Yat-sen University has hosted a series of lectures entitled “Cantonese Opera Cantonese Songs” at the Humanities Hall on the 9th floor of the Guangzhou Library since May 2016, In the first issue, Yue Cantonese opera performing artists such as Liang Suqin, Jiang Wen Duan, Liang Wensong and Chen Zhongyan were solicited, as well as scholars of Cantonese opera and Cantonese opera including Shen Binghe, Cheng Meibao and Zhou Shishen. From the aspects of human history, singing performance, And other different perspectives to show with the way to explain Cantonese opera Cantonese opera Yue Yue art with some of the indicators but it is easy to be ignored by the characteristics of modern people demonstrated and mining the evolution of the track and the reasons for the analysis. The attendance of more than 2,000 people attended the seminar, which not only became a regular focus for Cantonese opera Cantonese opera fans, but also attracted the attention of many library general readers, especially young people, providing a successful Cantonese Opera Cantonese culture in the public space example. On the afternoon of September 3, 2016, Jiang Wanduan, winner of the first Cantonese opera, actor at the national level and winner of the 25th “Plum Blossom Award”, was invited to hold a lecture hall at the Lecture Hall No. 1 in the Guangzhou Library. “Lecture, this is ” Lecture Cantonese opera Cantonese everyone "Lecture Series Lecture. The following is a native of Guangzhou young people to listen to the lecture experience and thinking.
■相关链接 张涌简介 ■1966年5月9日出生于新疆伊宁市。 ■1982年就读于北京大学经济管理系国民经济管理专业。 ■1986年毕业后分配到北京市门头沟区 ■ Related Links Zh
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