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高中体育新课程改革是与时俱进的,是适应时代发展需要而确定的,目的是促进每一个学生的发展。要在体育教学实践中充分解放学生,改变传统体育教学中学生被动接受的现状,因此体育教师在教学过程中要充分分析学生的需求,实施兴趣教学,激发学生兴趣,引导学生积极参与体育锻炼。一、兴趣教学对推动新课改的重要意义1.兴趣教学是新课改实施的重要教学策略之一。高中体育教学新课标提出要强调课程的基础性、实践性和综合性特 The new curriculum reform in high school sports is advancing with the times and is determined by the needs of the development of the times. The aim is to promote the development of every student. In order to fully liberate the students and change the passive acceptance status of the students in the traditional PE teaching, PE teachers should fully analyze the students’ needs in the process of teaching, implement the teaching of interest, arouse the interest of students and guide students to actively participate in physical exercise. First, the interest of teaching to promote the important significance of the new curriculum 1. Interest in teaching is the implementation of the new curriculum reform, one of the important teaching strategies. New Curriculum Standards for PE Teaching in Senior High Schools put forward that we should emphasize the basic, practical and comprehensive characteristics of the curriculum
AIM: To evaluate if the guidelines for the appro-priateness of performing colonoscopy by American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (AGSE) and Italian Soci
TO THE EDITOR We read with interest the article published by Nguyen et al[1] in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, TO THE EDITOR We read with interest the
“如果丧失对历史的记忆,我们的心灵就会在黑暗中迷失。”  ——俄罗斯历史学家克柳切夫斯基  这是一次震撼人心的演出,这是一个尘封73年的故事,这是一段难以忘却的记忆。  2015年6月18日,浙江省诸暨市安华镇江水沿村文化广场。大幕徐徐拉开。江水沿村一台特殊的舞台情景剧《小麻雕》,吸引了上千名群众的目光。  灯光全暗。天籁般的童谣随风飘来:“小麻雕,尾巴翘,哥哥讨嫂嫂,姆妈我也要,囡囡年纪小,长大
Extrarenal fibromuscular dysplasia causing gastro- intestinal bleeding without other manifestations and especially sparing renal vasculature is uncommon. The di