
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kxianwen
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水费计收,是水利工程供水单位按照国务院和我省政府制定的水费计收管理办法,实行有偿服务,维持自我发展的重要“支柱”。但长期以来一些用水单位和个人,由于受“大锅水”的传统观念的影响,拖欠水费的现象仍然存在,催缴水费已成为供水单位的一个沉重负担。对此,笔者建议,运用法律武器,按照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第17章的规定,对拖欠水费,特别是对那些拒不缴水费的,供水单位可申请人民法院按照督促程序执行。《中华人民共和国水法》第34条规定:“使用供水工程供应的水,应当按照规定向供水单位缴缚水费。”国务院、省政府颁布的水利工程水费计收管理办法中都明确 Water fee collection is an important “pillar” for the water supply units of water conservancy projects to carry out paid services and maintain self-development in accordance with the water fee collection and management measures formulated by the State Council and the provincial government. However, some units and individuals that have been using water for a long period of time are still experiencing the problem of water arrears because of the traditional concept of “caustic pot water.” Calls for water fees have become a heavy burden on water suppliers. In this regard, the author suggests that the use of legal weapons, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, on the arrears of water charges, especially for those who refuse to pay water charges, water supply units may apply for the people’s court in accordance with the supervisory procedures carried out. Article 34 of the Water Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates: “Water supplied by a water supply project shall be subject to a water fee bound to the water supply unit.” Both the State Council and the provincial government have clearly stipulated in the Measures for Collecting and Collecting Water Conservancy Projects
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