第十九届中国北京国际科技产业博览会 中关村·保定协同创新发展论坛

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保定是一座英雄的城市,也是一片发展的热土。当京津冀协同发展工作从“顶层设计”进入“全面实施”阶段,保定依据自身独有优势,面临着难得机遇,承担着重大责任。在当地,流传着这样一句口号“来到保定、一切搞定”。这是“大保定”向所有创新创业者发出的最诚挚邀请,也是承接首都功能疏解、实现协同发展的行动指南。第十九届中国北京国际科技产业博 Baoding is a heroic city, but also a hot spot for development. When the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei from “top design” to “full implementation” phase, Baoding faces rare opportunities and shoulders heavy responsibilities according to its own unique advantages. In the local, circulating a slogan “came to Baoding, everything get ”. This is the most sincere invitation to all the innovators and entrepreneurs as well as the guideline for undertaking the functions of the capital and facilitating the coordinated development. The 19th China Beijing International Science and Technology Bo
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