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应用人羊膜基膜──内皮细胞模型、人胎儿主动脉内膜器官培养等多种血管内皮模型,通过浸润力、粘附性定量检测与形态学观察相结合的方法,比较研究了两种人大肠癌细胞及其多细胞球体(multicellularSpheroid)对血管内皮(HEC)、基膜(HABM)及其间质(Stroma、ST)的体外侵袭作用。结果表明,HR-8348细胞及其球体对血管内皮具有较强的粘附作用(粘附率分别为25.9±3.6%、33.1±4.2%).但对不同基质的粘附率有显著性差异(HABM>HEC>ST,P<0.01)。在相同实验条件下,球体比相同细胞数量的单细胞具有更高的浸润力(P<0.01),提示癌细胞球体具有高侵袭特性。 A variety of vascular endothelium models such as human amniotic membrane-endothelial cell model and human fetal aortic endometrial organ culture were used to compare the two methods by combining the quantitative analysis of infiltration force, adhesion and morphological observation. In vitro invasion of vascular endothelium (HEC), basement membrane (HABM) and stroma (Stroma, ST) by colorectal cancer cells and multicellular spheroids. The results showed that HR-8348 cells and their spheres had strong adhesion to vascular endothelium (adhesion rates were 25.9±3.6% and 33.1±4.2%, respectively). However, there was a significant difference in adhesion rates to different matrices (HABM> HEC> ST, P < 0.01). Under the same experimental conditions, the spheres have higher infiltration power than single cells with the same number of cells (P<0.01), suggesting that the spheres of the cancer cells have high invasive properties.
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本文结合俄罗斯文学理论的最新研究成果,对文论读本《俄罗斯语文学》的特色作了评述,指出:文本分析和研究是当今俄罗斯文论的主流特征。 Based on the latest research resu