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为中国人民解放军初创时期奠定重要发展基础的是著名的三大起义,即南昌起义打响武装反抗国民党的第一枪,秋收起义打响武装反抗国民党的第二枪,广州起义打响武装反抗国民党的第三枪。这些起义虽然都相继失败了,但她所播撒下的革命火种终成燎原之势。毛泽东同志在谈到上述三大起义在新民主主义革命中的历史地位时有过这样的表述:“革命失败,得了惨痛的教训,于是有了南昌起义、秋收起义和广州起义,进入了创造红军的新时期。”(摘自毛泽东《战争与战略问题》)。 The three important uprisings that lay the foundation for the PLA’s early development are the three big revolts, the Nanchang Uprising launching the first armed rebellion against the Kuomintang. The Autumn Uprising started the second armed rebellion against the KMT. The Guangzhou uprising started the third armed rebellion against the Kuomintang. gun. Although all of these uprisings failed one after another, the revolutionary fire that she sowed finally became a prairie fire. Comrade Mao Tse-tung made the following remark when he spoke of the historical status of the three big uprisings in the new democratic revolution as follows: “The failure of the revolution brought with painful lessons learned from the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising, and entered into creation The New Period of the Red Army. ”(From Mao Zedong’s“ War and Strategic Issues ”).
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