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五、预防在地方性氟病的防治中预防占主要地位。搞好预防工作,不但可以防止新病人发生,而且还可缓解现有炳人的症状。具体预防措施包括:1.改变水源。不饮用高氟水,就可以从根本上预防氟病。改水办法有二:①改井的深度。如原来吃浅层井水造成氟中毒,则应试打深井:如原来吃深层 Fifth, prevention in prevention and treatment of endemic fluorosis predominates. Doing a good job of prevention will not only prevent the occurrence of new patients, but also relieve the existing symptoms of people. Specific preventive measures include: 1. To change the water. Do not drink high-fluoride water, you can fundamentally prevent fluoride disease. There are two ways to change the water: ① change the depth of the well. Such as the original shallow water to eat shallow fluoride caused by poisoning, then try to play deep well: If you eat the original deep
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高渗性高血糖性非酮症性糖尿病昏迷并不罕见,有报道在2年间即见37例(Medicine 51:73,1972);国内仅见首都医院报告的3例(中华医学杂志53:406,1973)。鉴于有不少患者从无糖尿