Terahertz wave generation in coupled quantum dots

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heirenmading
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Based on coupled quantum dots,we present an interesting optical effect in a four-level loop coupled system.Both the two upper levels and the two lower levels are designed to be almost degenerate,which induces a considerable dipole moment.The terahertz wave is obtained from the low-frequency component of the photon emission spectrum.The frequency of the terahertz wave can be controlled by tuning the energy levels via designing the nanostructure appropriately or tuning the driving laser field.A terahertz wave with adjustable frequency and considerable intensity(100 times higher than that of the Rayleigh line) can be obtained.It provides an effective scheme for a terahertz source. Based on coupled quantum dots, we present an interesting optical effect in a four-level loop coupled system. Both the two upper levels and the two lower levels are designed to be almost degenerate, which induces a considerable dipole moment. The terahertz wave is obtained from the low-frequency component of the photon emission spectrum. the frequency of the terahertz wave can be controlled by tuning the energy levels by designing the nanostructure suitably or tuning the driving laser field. A terahertz wave with adjustable frequency and substantially intensity (100 times higher than that of the Rayleigh line) can be obtained. It provides an effective scheme for a terahertz source.
电影《滚蛋吧!肿瘤君》在8月8日的全国点映中以1250万的票房成绩荣膺今年点映票房最高的电影,同时根据目前各大院线的票房和人气指数来看,《滚蛋吧!肿瘤君》也将成为8月观众期待值最高的华语电影。  该片导演韩延,被誉为“80后导演第一人”。出生于山东济南平阴县。谈及对票房的期待,韩延称自己并非“唯票房论”者,他希望80后的主体观众不只是被剧情所感动,而是通过电影开始思考生命本体。  《滚蛋吧!肿瘤君