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1材料与方法.试验地的基本情况试验地点选择在宁洱镇民安村曼肥社,距县城3km,交通方便,海拔1 340m,年均气温18.2℃,年降雨量1500mm,年有效积温6 428.8℃,全年日照时数1 921.2h;土壤为木香土,肥力中等偏上,光照充足,无灌溉条件,前作为玉米。.2试验材料区试供试小麦品种(系)共11个(含对照),分别为文麦14(编号1)、云10D4-3(编号2)、靖06-7(编号3)、凤121(编号4)、凤1814(编号5)、楚088-2(编号6)、云10D4-5(编号7)、昆麦098-6(编号8)、滇11-16(编号9)、玉108-6(编号10)、宜麦一号(编号11,对照)。 1 Materials and Methods The basic conditions of the test site The test site was selected in Manan Village, Min’er Village, Ning’er Town, 3km away from the county seat, with convenient transportation and an altitude of 1 340m, an average annual temperature of 18.2 ℃, annual rainfall of 1500mm and annual effective accumulated temperature of 6 428.8 ℃, the annual sunshine duration is 1 921.2h; the soil is woody soil, the fertility is medium and upper, and there is sufficient light and no irrigation conditions. Before it is used as corn. .2 A total of 11 test wheat cultivars (lines) were used in the regional trial of the test materials, including Wenmai 14 (No. 1), Yun 10D4-3 (No. 2), Jing 06-7 (No. 3) 121 (No. 4), Feng 1814 (No. 5), Chu 088-2 (No. 6), Yun 10D4-5 (No. 7), Kunming 098-6 (No. 8), Dian 11-16 (No. 9) Jade 108-6 (No. 10), Yimai No. 1 (No. 11, control).
The world is experiencing aging of its population. Age-specific incidence rates of cancer are higher and cancer is now recognized as a part of aging. Treating o
Epithelial ovarian cancer is primarily a disease of older women. Advanced age is risk factor for decreased survival. Optimal surgery and the safe and effective