
来源 :城市环境设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxinxinwu
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iD Town项目的场地是位于深圳大鹏旅游新区的葵涌乡,建于20世纪80年代中的鸿华印染厂。整个厂区占地8ha,藏身于深圳东海岸山峦的谷地之中,坚固的钢筋混凝土结构加上荒弃之后锈迹斑驳的墙身,厂区俨然成为一个没落的工业“卫城”。我们的设计也就从这“卫城”的遗址感开始。厂区分为生活区和生产区两部分,生活区在位于基地北侧的山坡地,包括餐厅和几栋宿舍建筑,设计称之为“山城”。生产区位于生活区南侧平整过的谷地上,面积约为生活区的两倍,包括五栋极为宏伟的生产车间和仓库建筑以及数栋其他配套用房,设计称 iD Town project site is located in Shenzhen Mirs New Township Tourism District, built in the 20th century Honghua Printing and Dyeing Factory. The entire plant covers an area of ​​8ha, hiding in the mountains on the east coast of Shenzhen valley, solid reinforced concrete structures coupled with abandoned rusty mottled walls, the factory has become a declining industrial “Acropolis”. Our design also starts from the ruins of the Acropolis. The factory area is divided into the living area and the production area. The living area is located on the hillside on the north side of the base, including restaurants and several dormitory buildings, which is called “Mountain City”. The production area is located in a level valley on the south side of the living area, which is about twice the size of the living area, including five extremely grand workshops and warehouse buildings as well as several other supporting rooms.
Studying the first generation of stars, galaxies and supermassive black holes as well as the epoch of reionization is one of the fundamental questions of modern
In the past two years,many progresses are made in magnetospheric physics by using either the data of Double Star Program,Cluster and THEMIS missions,or by compu