
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudongzy
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语文新课程强调要提高学生的写作能力,作文教学不仅要教给学生立意、构思、布局谋篇的技法,而且还要引导学生关注生活,反映生活。作为语文教学中的重头戏——写作教学,要更多地强调从内容人手,引导学生打开思路,从生活中挖掘题材,把丰富多彩的生活转化为鲜活生动的写作材料,用真心写真情。 The new Chinese language curriculum emphasizes that students should be able to improve their writing ability. Writing teaching should not only teach students the idea of ​​conception, layout and layout, but also guide students to pay attention to life and reflect life. As the main part of Chinese teaching - writing teaching, we should stress more from the manpower of the contents, guide the students to open their minds, excavate the subjects from their daily life, turn the colorful life into fresh and vivid writing materials, and write the true feelings with the truth.
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