Relationships between Modified Methylene Blue Value of Microfines in Manufactured Sand and Concrete

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yezhenhao
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To better understand and assess the effect of microfines on concrete properties, the synergetic effect of methylene blue value and content of microfines on properties of low and high strength concrete was studied and then the relationships between the index of modified methylene blue value(MMBV) and concrete properties were investigated. The results show that relationships between MMBV and fresh and hardened properties of concrete can be fully established, and the correlation between MMBV and C60 concrete property is higher than the correlation between MMBV and C30 concrete. With the increase of MMBV, concrete workability and frost resistance decrease while drying shrinkage decreases; however, compressive strength and chloride-ion penetration resistance of C30 concrete have not been negatively affected whereas those of C60 concrete are significantly deteriorated when MMBV exceeds 100. To make use of microfines without remarkably damaging concrete quality, it is suggested that MMBV of microfines in MS used in C30 and C60 concrete be no more than 100. To better understand and assess the effect of microfines on concrete properties, the synergetic effect of methylene blue value and content of microfines on properties of low and high strength concrete was studied and then the relationships between the index of modified methylene blue value (MMBV) and The results show that relationships between MMBV and fresh and hardened properties of concrete can be fully established, and the correlation between MMBV and C60 concrete property is higher than the correlation between MMBV and C30 concrete. With the increase of MMBV, concrete workability and frost resistance decrease while drying shrinkage reduction; however, compressive strength and chloride-ion penetration resistance of C30 concrete have not been negatively affected among those of C60 concrete are significantly deteriorated when MMBV exceeded 100. To make use of microfines without remarkably damaging concrete quality, it is suggested that MMBV of m icrofines in MS used in C30 and C60 concrete be no more than 100.
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之前从报纸上看到这样一则报道——著名女歌星?菖?菖前去上海献艺,演出按时开始。然而,当这位明星即将上场时,她却突然向主办方提出加价。对方一听,血涌脑门:“这不是敲竹杠吗?不行!”“那我就不唱!”……于是,双方僵持不下,观众却被晾在看台上,左等右等不见女歌星出现,便怒吼、痛骂、吹哨、跺脚、砸椅子……   合上报纸,我不由喟然长叹:现在的人,总是把名利看得比什么都重要,而且往往想用“名”来获取“利”。