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看着风起云涌的艺术品市场,有人在红着眼评述着市场的繁荣,也有人质疑市场虚火太盛。这情景有些像等车:有人怕错过当值的班车,拼命往上挤;也有人担忧车次不明,怕上错车走错路,犹豫不决。的确,今天的艺术市场中架上绘画的价格涨势依然很猛,景象繁荣。其中既有时机促成的机遇,也不排除有“托儿”参与炒作。不否认在这样的市场环境中,买手和炒家,能从中很轻松地得到艺术品的市场收效,但这同时也更像是一把双刃剑,让架上绘画作品市场繁荣的脉象变得更难把握。但相比两年前,现今的画廊经营者和收藏者也有了更多的谨慎,逐渐地把目光投向了另一个艺术门类——艺术摄影,在这片还算宁静的水中触摸着水的深浅,希望在兴起波澜前能摸到摄影的脉象。 Looking at the surging art market, some people commented on the prosperous market in the red eyes. Some people also questioned the market’s virtual fire too. Something like a car waiting for the scene: Some people are afraid of missing the bus when the value, desperate to squeeze crowded; Some people worry about the unknown car, afraid of the wrong car wrong way, hesitated. Indeed, the price hike of the paintings on the shelves in the art market today is still fierce and the picture is booming. Among them, there are opportunities to be promoted at the right time, nor do we rule out the involvement of “nurseries” in speculation. Do not deny that in such a market environment, buyers and speculators can easily get the market gains of works of art, but at the same time it is more like a double-edged sword, so that the prosperity of the painting market boom becomes More difficult to grasp. But two years ago, the gallery operators and collectors today were more cautious and gradually turned their attention to another art genre, art photography, where the depth of the water was touched by this rather quiet water , I hope before the waves can touch the pulse of photography.
江湖(先负)TZR (2008年9月6日弈于联众) 7.炮八退二…………如图1形势,红方退炮软着,应改走车二平七,象3进1,车七进二,车1平3,炮八进一,车4退2,炮六平四,红方稍好。 (First
文章结合张家界澧水大桥顶推施工斜连续梁桥,论述了斜连续梁桥顶推施工中顶推导向的作用、顶推导向的观测方法、顶推导向的纠偏方法和纠偏装置的设置。 Combined with the o