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近两年,国外投资者对中国投资软环境的进一步改善、配套环境的完善的重视已远远胜过对地方优惠政策的关注。而在外商投资企业的座谈会上,投资者对政府行政速度即办事效率提出了更高的要求。特别是以外向型经济为特色的广东,这类问题大部分有意无意地被聚焦到海关。广东口岸在全国有着举足轻重的地位。经广东口岸进出的客流量占全国70%,交通运输工具超过80%,进出口货物各占全国1/3,而广州海关不但是广东也是全国6个“大关”之一,关区覆盖广州、珠江三角洲、粤西粤北地区,承担着我国南大门繁重的监管任务。广州海关的工作质量直接影响广东多个地区的经济发展。为适应经济全球化需要,支持地方经济的发展,树立地方良好的投资环境形象,认真贯彻执行海关总署的各项改革精神,广州海关主动出击、积极配合、努力探索,已在提高行政速度、廉洁执政方面取得了一定成效。进入新千年,广州海关以信息化为突破口,连打了几个漂亮仗启用电子口岸执法系统、陆路通关改革、启用电子预归类预审价系统、 In the recent two years, foreign investors have paid more attention to the improvement of the soft environment for investment in China and the improvement of supporting environment than to the local preferential policies. In the forum for foreign-invested enterprises, investors put forward higher requirements on the speed of government administration, that is, efficiency of work. Especially in Guangdong, which is characterized by an export-oriented economy, most of these problems have been deliberately and unconsciously focused on the customs. Guangdong Port has a pivotal position in the country. Passenger traffic to and from Guangdong ports accounted for 70% of the country’s total. More than 80% of all transportation means and imports and exports accounted for one-third of the national total. Canton Customs was not only Guangdong but also one of the 6 major “customs” in the country. Covering Guangzhou, the Pearl River Delta and the western Guangdong and northern Guangdong, China shoulders the heavy regulatory task of the south gate. The quality of work in Guangzhou Customs directly affects the economic development in various areas of Guangdong. In order to meet the needs of economic globalization, support the development of the local economy, establish a good image of the local investment environment, and earnestly implement the spirit of the reform of the General Administration of Customs, the Guangzhou Customs took the initiative to actively cooperate and make efforts to explore and improve the administrative speed, Some achievements have been made in a clean and honest manner. Entering the new millennium, Guangzhou Customs took informationization as a breakthrough point and even made several beautiful fights to activate the electronic port law enforcement system, reform of land clearance, and launch the electronic pre-categorized pre-trial price system.
各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市医药管理局或相应的医药管理部门,解放军总后医药管理局,新疆生产建设兵团医药管理局: 1998年执业药师资格考试定于10月10日~11日进行,从三
目的 :构建人 β2-microglobulin( β2- M)基因的原核表达载体 ,在大肠杆菌中高效表达 β2 -M蛋白质并进行纯化 ,为构建MHC 肽四聚体奠定基础。方法 :从人外周血单核细胞中提
目的了解江苏省2008年与2005年青少年吸烟行为并进行比较,探讨青少年吸烟行为及影响因素。方法 2008年选取江苏省南京、苏州、扬州、徐州、盐城的城乡大中学生33213名进行吸