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一、“三连冠”、“十连霸”、还有……一支工厂的球队,能在全市比赛中夺取桂冠,已属不易;年年拿冠军,难上加难.倘若来个“三连冠”呢?倘若连续十年拿冠军呢?那就带点传奇色彩了,就多少有探讨一、二的必要了. 走进大庆石油化工总厂工会会议室,你立刻就会被那一面面、一幅幅和一尊尊五彩缤纷的奖旗、奖状和奖杯所吸引.徜徉其间,会给人一种蓬勃向上的冲动、发自内心的自豪和止不住喜形于色的感叹.石化总厂男篮曾连续三年夺取桂冠,厂足球队拿了十年冠军;冰球队在全市比赛连拿了十一届金牌,可喜、可贺!还有全市乒乓球冠军呢!围棋成年男、女少年冠军呢!还有厂足球队代表大庆市参加省比赛的壮举呢!……这还没完,还有桥牌、羽毛球、武术、拔河、游泳、排球……哪一项运动,你就说吧,咱石化总厂不弄他个冠军当当?骄傲?该骄傲就得骄傲! First, the “three consecutive championships,” “ten with Pa,” as well as ... ... a factory team, won the championship in the city competition, is not easy; year after year champion, harder. If you take the championship for ten years in a row, then it will bring you some legendary colors and you will have to explore the necessity of one or two. When you walk into the conference room of the trade union in Daqing Petrochemical Complex, you will immediately That side, a picture and a respect for the colorful flags, awards and trophies attracted .In the meantime, will give a vigorous impulse, from the heart of pride and can not stop the joy of sighing .PetroChina Petrochemical Plant Men’s basketball team won the championship for three consecutive years, the factory football team took the championship for ten years; hockey team in the city even took the eleven gold medal game, gratifying, congratulations! There are the city’s table tennis champions too! Go adult men and women Juvenile champion it! There are plant football team on behalf of Daqing City to participate in the feat of the provincial competition it ... ... This is not finished, as well as bridge, badminton, martial arts, tug of war, swimming, volleyball ... ... a sport, you say, We petrochemical plant do not get him a champion Dangdang? Pride proud to have proud!
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大家都知道吃海带能补碘,海带还富含钙、硒、锌、钴等微量元素,并含有A、C、B_1、B_2、B_6等十几种维生素,不仅可以延缓衰 We all know that eating kelp to iodine, kelp i