
来源 :中国青年政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyuan2009
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思想活跃,不满现状,精力充沛,勇于探索,是青年人的特点。每一代青年人都是如此。只是由于历史条件不同,这些特点的具体表现形式和作用不同罢了。拿不满现状来说,我们年轻时,是不满三座大山的压迫,不满社会的暗无天日,那时勇于探索,是一心寻求救国救民的真理,以达到推翻三座大山的目的。而今天情况就不同了,我们有了自己的政权。如果不满现状也像过去那样,“探索”什么推翻人民政权的“真理”的话,那显然就大错特错了。但不满现状如果是不满祖国的贫穷落后,不满我们工作中的缺点,不满社会上存在的种种不良现象,并且以“天下兴亡、匹夫有责”的精神,积 Active thinking, dissatisfaction with the status quo, energetic, courageous to explore, is a characteristic of young people. This is true for every generation of young people. Only because of different historical conditions, the specific forms and functions of these characteristics are different. To be dissatisfied with the status quo, when we were young, we were dissatisfied with the oppression and dissatisfaction with the three big mountains. At that time, we bravely explored the one thing we were seeking to save our country and save the people so as to achieve the goal of overthrowing the three mountains. Today's situation is different, we have our own power. If we are dissatisfied with the status quo, we should, as we have done in the past, “explore” any truth that overthrows the people's government. That is obviously wrong. However, they are dissatisfied with the current situation. If they are dissatisfied with the poverty and backwardness of the motherland, they are dissatisfied with the shortcomings in our work and are not satisfied with the various undesirable phenomena existing in society. In the spirit of “the rise and fall of the world, every man has the responsibility”
本文报道一种既含有乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg),又含有甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)抗原的联合疫苗制做方法及其效价。HBV疫苗是用酵母借遗传工程而制做的商品(Engerix B),而HAV疫苗则是
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