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最近,某建筑公司发生了一起质量事故,职工议论纷纷,其中有一部分职工拍手称快,说:“让当官的尝一尝才好呢!”质量事故的发生本不是好事,不仅经济受损失而且对外影响很大。作为企业的职工,不是站在主人翁立场感到惭愧,而是兴灾乐祸,这说明在职工中存在着逆反心理。经过调查,这起质量事故完全是责任事故。企业领导在管理上忽视,在工程关键环节上松懈,职工质量意识不强,麻痹大意,操作失误导致了事故的发生。究 Recently, there was a quality accident in a construction company. Workers talked about. Some of them were clapping their hands quickly and said: “Letting the officials taste it!” The occurrence of a quality accident is not a good thing. Not only is the economy damaged Great impact on the outside world. As employees of enterprises, not standing in the position of masters feel ashamed, but the ups and downs, indicating that there is resentment in the staff. After investigation, the quality of the accident is entirely responsible for the accident. Business leaders ignored in management, lax in the key aspects of the project, the quality of workers is not strong, paralysis, misuse led to the accident. Study
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本文报道36例(36侧)内淋巴囊造口引流术中取下的鼻壁标本电镜(22例)和光镜(32例)观察结果。电镜所见上皮细胞扁平,表面有很微小绒毛,上皮皱褶消失,细胞浆内细胞器 This art