Online fault recognition of electric power cable in coal mine based on the minimum risk neural netwo

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piliwuhen
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Firstly,the concepts of the traveling wave entropy and the feature function of traveling wave entropy were defined.Then the statistic characters of the traveling wave entropy feature function,mean value and variance were analyzed after the zero-order component of the traveling wave of online cable was selected to serve as the observed object.Finally,the new recognition algorithm of minimum risk neural network was pre- sented.The simulation experiments show that the recognitions of the early fault states can be completed correctly by using the proposed recognition algorithm.The classes of cable faults include in 1-phase ground faults,and the 2-phase short circuit faults or ground faults and the 3-phase short circuit faults or ground faults,open circuit.The fault resistance range is 1×10~(-1)~1×10~9Ω. Firstly, the concepts of the traveling wave entropy and the feature function of traveling wave entropy were defined.Then the statistic characters of the traveling wave entropy feature function, mean value and variance were analyzed after the zero-order component of the traveling wave of online The cable was selected to serve as the observed object. Finally, the new recognition algorithm of minimum risk neural network was pre- sented. The simulation experiments show that the recognitions of the early fault states can be completed correctly by using the proposed recognition algorithm. classes of cable faults include in 1-phase ground faults, and the 2-phase short circuit faults or ground faults and the 3-phase short circuit faults or ground faults, open circuit. The fault resistance range is 1 × 10 -1 ) ~ 1 × 10 ~ 9Ω.
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