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  Hello, this is Whale speaking. May I speak to Octopus?
  Hello, this is Octopus speaking.
  We will go to the beach on Children’s Day. Would you like to come? 儿童节我们打算去海滩,你们愿意来吗?
  Sure. 当然。
  Octopus: 海底小纵队正在基地集训,赶紧电话通知他们速回。
  Dolphin: 好的。可是用英语怎么打电话呢?
  Octopus: 电话接通后先说Hello,接着用“This is ... speaking”介绍自己,最后提出自己想和谁通话“May I speak to ...”。值得注意的是,在电话里介绍自己时不可以说“I am ...”,询问接电话的人是谁不能说“Who are you?”但可问“Who is that?”或者“Is that ... speaking?”
  Hello, this is Dolphin speaking. May I speak to Turtle?
  Hello, this is Turtle speaking. 你好,我是乌龟。
  Come back soon. 速回。
  OK. 好的。
  Hello, this is Dolphin speaking. Is that Crab speaking?
  Yes, this is Crab speaking. 是的,我是螃蟹。
  Come back soon. 速回。
  OK. 好的。
  What day is it today? 今天星期几?
  It’s Saturday. 星期六。
  Today is Children’s Day. 今天是兒童节。
  When do we go to the beach? 我们什么时候去海滩?
  At two o’clock in the afternoon. 下午两点。
  What time is it now? 现在几点?
  It’s two o’clock. It’s time to go. 两点。该出发了。
  Octopus: 想知道今天星期几,用英语怎么问?
  Crab: 可以用“What day is it today?”来询问,句中day的意思是“天”。回答可以用“It’s+星期几”,也可以直接说星期几。
  What day is it today? 今天星期几?
  It’s Monday. 今天星期一。
  Octopus: 想知道现在几点钟,用英语怎么问?
  Seahorse: 有两种问法:What’s the time? 或者 What time is it? 整点时段回答很简单,如:It’s three o’clock. (三点了。) 如果不是整点,用“时+分”的结构来回答,如:It’s one twenty. (一点二十分了。)
  What’s the time now? 现在几点?
  It’s two ten. 两点十分了。
  Octopus: when和what time有什么区别?
  Turtle:它们都可以表示“什么时候”,what time所表示的时间比较精确,而when所表示的时间范围比较广。当问具体某一时间时,两者可以通用;当问生日日期时,只能用when。
  What timeWhen do you get up? 你什么时候起床?
  At seven. 七点。
  When’s your birthday? 你的生日在什么时候?
  It’s on the first of June. 在六月一日。
  Welcome to our party.  欢迎来到我们的聚会。
  Happy Children’s Day!  儿童节快乐!
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Materials:  colour papers,  scissors, knife,  pencil, mark pen,  double-side tape,  ruler, ribbon.  材料:  彩纸,剪刀,  小刀,铅笔,  马克笔,双面胶,  直尺,彩带。  1. Draw a shape like this. The size is on the picture. Then c