Travel in Venice

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  It is a cloudy day. My family and I came to Venice, a famous city in North-eastern Italy. 我們坐在船上,远远眺望,整座小城就好像一颗碧波上的璀璨明珠。
  Walking on the streets, we found that there were many historic sites(古迹) in the city.
  这条大水道是贯通威尼斯全城的最长的街道,游人如织,艺术气息浓厚。Surprisingly, Venice is the only city in the world without cars.
  In the street of Venice, it is full of romantic and artistic atmosphere. 最吸引人的就是各具特色的面具了。I am wearing a beautiful mask.
  18世纪以前,威尼斯居民的生活里完全离不开面具。人们外出时,不论男女,都要戴上面具,披上斗篷。The famous masks of Venice are called “Bauta(包塔)”。
  We strolled(漫步)to St. Mark’s Square. This building is magnificent. 总督宫是以前威尼斯总督的官邸,室内都用油画、壁画和大理石雕刻来装饰,十分奢华。
  St. Mark’s Square is the big pearl of Venice. 游人们衣着鲜艳,仿佛一幅极其迷人的图画。看到我手中的食物,大群的鸽子轻盈地向我走来,时而簇拥在地上觅食,时而又“扑棱”振翅,飞满整个广场的上空。
  乘坐“贡多拉”游览威尼斯的水上风光是最惬意的事情啦!This kind of boat has a black chic hull(别致的船身)with a light weight. And it is the daily transportation(交通工具)of the Venetians(威尼斯人)。
  Venice enjoys the reputation of “Water City”. The whole city is built on the water. 船是威尼斯唯一的交通工具。那蜿蜒曲折的水巷,流动的清波令我陶醉;诗情画意的风景,让人流连忘返。
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