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93年在广州美院面临毕业时,我问自己:“毕业后还搞不搞艺术?”,答案相与肯定,这个与美院里浓厚的商业气息相悖的决定,现在想来还有些鲁莽,因为在后来的过程中,时有退缩的念头。决定搞艺术的理由有三:首先,广州的前卫艺术前辈屈指可数,整体力量不强,如果趁虚而入,取一席之地不难,于是有了“舍我其谁” 的自大;第二,听不惯自己的广州被称作“文化沙漠”,陡生一种为之尽力的责任感,虽然我越来越不喜欢这个令人尴尬的城市,但生于斯长于斯,浓烈的感情色彩依旧挥之不去;第三,中国的变革刚刚开始,广州又处于变革的前沿,这个时期、这个地点,搞“切入时代的艺术”有其独特的价值。无论中国将如何发展,此时此刻的广州都是极具代表性和无以替代的,这里产生的艺术很可能是具有榜样色彩和里程碑式的,这正是“大丈夫功业”。就这些动机而言,明显是功利的,但工作的过程中证实,付出的实在极多,而功利却难见端倪。现在支撑信念的,除了以上三个动机外,还有出现于工作过程中的如同吸毒般的兴奋快感,这倒是我始料未及的。 When I was graduating in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1993, I asked myself: “After I graduated, I still did not engage in art?” The answer was affirmative. This decision contrary to the strong commercial atmosphere of the Academy of Art is still a bit reckless now because In the later process, when there is the idea of ​​retreat. There are three reasons for the decision to engage in art: First of all, there are only a few of the avant-garde art avant-garde members in Guangzhou. The overall strength is not strong. If you take advantage of it, I can not understand myself Guangzhou is called “cultural desert”, steeped in a kind of sense of responsibility, although I do not like this embarrassing city more and more, but was born in Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka, the strong emotional color still Thirdly, China’s reform has just begun. Guangzhou is at the forefront of change. In this period, this place has its own unique value in “cutting into the art of the times.” No matter how China will develop, Guangzhou at the moment is extremely representative and irreplaceable. The art produced here is likely to be exemplary and landmark. This is precisely the “great man who works.” As far as these motives are concerned, they are obviously utilitarian. However, in the course of their work, they have proved that they have paid so much for their work and their utility has been hard to see. Now, in addition to the above three motives, there is an excitement of drug-induced excitement appearing in the work process. This is unexpected.
壹 书法以抽象的点、线借助一定的法度(疏密、轻重、缓急等)构成具有个人风格的汉字线条造型来直抒情思和心中意境。它是作者感情的真实流露,并以表现自然、本性为最高境界
目的: 观察分析帕利哌酮联合经颅磁刺激 (TMS)治疗难治性精神分裂症的临床疗效.方法:收集我院2018年2月-2019年9月收治的难治性精神分裂症患者76例作为本次的研究对象,按照随
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