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北京大学图书馆学情报学系长春函授站于1991年10月22日在吉林省图书馆举行了第一届本科函授学员毕业典礼。参加大会的有吉林省文化厅副厅长安莉同志,吉林省文化厅科教处处长张朝清同志,吉林省文化厅文图处处长王助国同志,吉林省教委成人教育处处长马守仁同志和明春河同志,吉林省招生委员会办公室主任南光哲同志,吉林省招生办成人招生科科长韩荣剑同志,吉林省图书馆馆长姜鹤岩同志,吉林省图书馆党委书记兼副馆长王林盛同志,吉林省图书馆学会秘书长、吉林省图书馆副馆长金恩晖同志,吉林省图书馆副馆长马亚男同志,北大长春函授站站长刘维英同志等。参加大会的还有省人事厅和文化厅的有关同志。 Peking University Library and Information Science Department of Changchun correspondence station in October 22, 1991 in Jilin Province Library held the first undergraduate correspondence student graduation ceremony. Attending the meeting are Comrade Li Anli, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Department of Culture, Comrade Zhang Chaoqing, director of the department of science and education of the Jilin Provincial Department of Culture, Comrade Wang Ziguo, director of the Attic Department of Jilin Provincial Department of Culture, Comrade Ma Shouren, director of the Adult Education Department of Jilin Province Education Commission Comrade Nan Guangzhe, director of the Office of Admissions Committee of Jilin Province, Comrade Han Guangjian, director of Admissions Section of Jilin Admissions Office, Comrade Jiang Heyan, director of Jilin Library, Comrade Wang Linsheng, secretary of the party committee and deputy director of Jilin Library, Jilin Province Library Association Secretary-General, Jilin Province Library Deputy Director Kim En-hui, deputy director of Jilin Provincial Library, Ma Ya-men, Peking University Changchun Correspondence Station Liu Weying comrades and so on. Also attending the congress are the comrades from the provincial personnel department and the cultural department.
The breakup of drop covered with vapor film is numerically simulated. The moving particle semi-implicit method is used to solve the 2-dimensional unsteady Nav
慢性宫颈炎是女性常见病,与子宫颈癌的发病有一定关系。临床表现为: 白带增多、粘稠、有时呈浓性,偶有血性,少数有接触性出血,腰酸、腹痛、下腹堕胀等不适感。轻者也可无自
陈××,女,31岁,已婚,营业员。因身体虑弱自备 A、T、P、在某镇卫生所行静脉注射 ATP 水针剂2ml(20mg)+50%G、S 40ml iv,(上海第十制药厂1977年5月份出厂,有效期为一年,只供
本文主要介绍了水轮机“双 IPC+PLC+双功放”微机调速器的设计思路、电气操作回路的工作过程以及系统硬件配置与软件流程框图。 This article mainly introduces the design
为什么用维生素D治疗佝偻病时可诱发手足搐搦症? 小儿血清钙浓度经常处于10-11.5毫克%左右,一般血钙降低至7-7.5毫克%时即可发生手足搐搦症。血钙浓度的动态平衡主要依靠甲
患者女,8岁,小学生,1981年12月22日因“胃痛”给予普鲁本辛7.5mg,每日三次,灭吐灵5mg 每日三次及复合维B 液口服,当夜腹痛即止。12月23日下午发现患儿不自主头颈向左扭转且