
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z5748259
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同志们 今天,天津市召开全市设备管理工作会议,我代表国务院经贸办表示热烈的祝贺,并借此机会。通过你们向辛勤工作并做出贡献的天津市各条战线的设备管理干部职工,表示亲切的慰问和衷心的感谢。 目前,全国人民、乃至世界各国都在关注我国八届人大会议的召开、李鹏总理在政府工作报告中,强调全面贯彻党的十四大精神.抓住机遇,加快改革开放和现代化建设步伐。他号召全国各族人民更加紧密地团结在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央周围,同心同德,为争取社会主义现代化事业新胜利而奋斗。我们深信,这次历史盛会必将促进我国经济建设再上一个新台阶。国民经济的加速发展,给我国设备管理工一作带来了前所未有的好形势,也给设备管理工作带来了更为繁重的任务。今天,天津市召开全市设备管理工作会议,就是动员全市人民迎接国民经济大发展的一项实际措施。它必将对搞好天津市设备管理工作,为天津市经济腾飞打好坚实的物质技术基础。 下面,我想就设备管理工作着重讲两个方面的意 Comrades Today, the Tianjin Municipal Government held a meeting on equipment management in the city. I express warm congratulations on behalf of the State Council Economic and Trade Office and take this opportunity. Thank you for your cordial greetings and heartfelt gratitude for your management of the cadres and staff of the various fronts in Tianjin who have worked hard and contributed to the hard work. At present, the people of the country and even the rest of the world are paying attention to the convening of the Eighth National People’s Congress and Premier Li Peng’s report on government work, emphasizing the full implementation of the spirit of the 14th Party Congress, seizing opportunities, and accelerating the pace of reform, opening up, and modernization. He called on the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core, work with one heart and one mind and fight for a new victory in the cause of socialist modernization. We are convinced that this historic event will surely promote China’s economic construction to a new level. The accelerated development of the national economy has brought an unprecedented good situation to China’s equipment management workers, and has also brought more arduous tasks to equipment management. Today, Tianjin held the city’s equipment management work conference, which is a practical measure to mobilize the people of the city to welcome the great development of the national economy. It will surely do a good job in Tianjin’s equipment management work and lay a solid foundation for Tianjin’s economic development. Next, I want to focus on two aspects of the equipment management work.
一、我省建筑市场的基本情况 1984年以来,随着国家经济体制改革的不断深入和发展,我省的建筑市场也从小到大,逐步繁荣。目前,全省已拥有勘察、设计、施工队伍约160多万人,年