
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Cyril
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材料和方法 预定去除钛夹板的颌面骨折或骨段移植患者14例,夹板存留时间2~12个月,共去除夹板16枚。去除夹板的同时仔细观察局部炎性反应、色素沉着、金属锈蚀、固定物松脱和夹板或螺钉周围骨质增生情况。夹板去除后,14例行夹板表面软组织活检,2例行夹板下螺钉孔周围骨质活检。常规制作标本,光镜或透射电镜检查。 结果 术中见软组织色素沉着2例,夹板周围骨质增生4例,夹板下骨质吸收1例,肉芽组织形成2例,固定物松脱3例。光镜下见软组织色素沉着10例,骨质色素沉着1例,黑色结节样颗粒位于胶原原纤维间。电镜下见软组织色素沉着14例,骨质增生2例。不 Materials and Methods 14 cases of maxillofacial fractures or bone graft scheduled to be removed with titanium splints were removed. The splints were left for 2 to 12 months with a total removal of 16 splints. Remove the splint and carefully observe the local inflammatory reaction, pigmentation, metal corrosion, loose fixtures and bone or screw around the bone hyperplasia. After splint removal, 14 patients underwent splint surface soft tissue biopsy and 2 patients underwent splint osteolysis around the screw hole. Routine production of specimens, light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy. Results There were 2 cases of soft tissue pigmentation, 4 cases of bone hyperplasia around splint, 1 case of bone absorption under splint, 2 cases of granulation tissue and 3 cases of loose loosening. Light microscope, soft tissue pigmentation in 10 cases, 1 case of osteoporosis, black nodular-like particles located in the collagen fibrils. Electron microscope, soft tissue pigmentation in 14 cases, bone hyperplasia in 2 cases. Do not
1 操作方法对慢性根尖周炎的患者按照常规开髓,扩挫根管,用3%双氧水棉捻清洗根管,然后用棉捻浸透甲硝唑液和庆大霉素液,用光滑髓针送入根管内,然后用丁香油粘固粉暂封。对急
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