实现“四个新突破” 推进夹江新跨越

来源 :中共乐山市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnnywong
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省委书记周永康在省第八次党代会上的报告中明确提出:认真实践“三个代表”重要思想,奋力推进四川发展新跨越。整个报告贯穿“三个代表”一条红线,抓住经济建设一个中心突出跨越式发展一个主题,体现中央精神,符合四川实际,顺应时代要求,合乎党心民心。我县各级党员干部必须认真学习、全面贯彻省第八次党代会精神,认真开展“四川新跨越,夹江怎么干”大讨论,实现创新观念、营造环境、用人机制、科技进步上的新突破,形成人人思跨越、谋跨越、促跨越的良好局面,奋力推进夹江发展新的跨越。 一、推进夹江发展新跨越,必须在树立跨越式发展的观念上实现新突破 Zhou Yongkang, secretary of the provincial party committee, made a clear statement in the report of the 8th Party Congress in the province: earnestly implement the important thought of “Three Represents” and strive to promote a new leap forward in Sichuan’s development. The entire report runs through the “three represents” a red line, seize the economic construction of a center highlighting a theme of leaps and bounds, embody the spirit of the central government, conform to the reality of Sichuan, comply with the requirements of the times, in line with the party’s and the people’s heart. Party members and cadres at all levels in our county must conscientiously study and fully implement the spirit of the 8th Party Congress held in the province and earnestly conduct a grand discussion on “how to make a new leap forward in Sichuan and how to do Jiajiang River” so as to realize the concept of innovation, create an environment and employ mechanisms, and make progress in science and technology New breakthroughs, the formation of all thinking across, seeking to cross, promote the leap of a good situation, and strive to promote the development of a new leap in Jiajiang. First, to promote the development of a new leap forward in Jiajiang, we must achieve a breakthrough in the concept of establishing a leapfrog development
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