
来源 :中国科学院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoyang2009123456
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提高养分利用率是协调粮食安全和环境安全的核心问题。地下生物种类繁多,数量巨大,功能多样,包括植物根系、微生物和动物等。地下生物直接参与了养分的活化、转化、吸收和运输等过程,是地上植物生产力和养分利用率的重要驱动者。文章概括性地介绍了(1)土壤-根系-微生物对话的信号基础与养分转化,(2)土壤微生物组成多样性与养分转化,(3)根系与植物高效吸收养分,以及(4)微生物与根系高效摄取土壤养分;在此基础上,提出将来应该加强研究土壤生物功能和区域分异规律、微生物介导的土壤养分转化过程与养分高效利用之间的关系、养分高效型作物的根系特征、生物制剂的研发等内容。随着技术的发展和相关机理的探明,地下生物“黑箱”将逐步被破解,有望研发出靶标明确、切实可行的地上-地下生物协同调控技术,实现养分的高效利用。 Increasing nutrient utilization is at the core of harmonizing food security and environmental security. There are a large variety of underground organisms, a large number of diverse functions, including plant roots, microorganisms and animals. Underground organisms are directly involved in the process of nutrient activation, transformation, absorption and transportation, and are important drivers of above-ground plant productivity and nutrient utilization. The article provides an overview of (1) the signal basis and nutrient conversion of soil-root-microbial dialogue, (2) diversity of soil microbial composition and nutrient conversion, (3) efficient nutrient uptake by roots and plants, and Root system to effectively absorb soil nutrients. On this basis, it is suggested that the relationship between soil biological function and regional differentiation should be strengthened in the future, the relationship between microbial-mediated conversion of soil nutrients and the efficient use of nutrients, the root system of nutrient-efficient crops, Research and development of biological agents and so on. With the development of technology and the exploration of related mechanisms, underground biological “black box” will be gradually cracked, and it is expected to develop a clear and practical underground - underground biological coordinated control technology to realize the efficient use of nutrients.
本文中笔者力图通过分析“JF Can-do”评价体系,并在此系统框架下进行了为期一学期的日语实践课实验教学,通过实验结果和数据验证该系统在我国基础阶段日语实践教学中的切实
<正>上腔静脉综合征(superior vena cava syndrome,SVCS)是上腔静脉血液回流受阻,静脉压力升高及代偿性侧支循环开放所产生的一系列临床症状。笔者近年来共收治上腔静脉综合
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield