Olympic success boosts China’s confidence奥运会的成功举办增强了中国的自信心

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  As the Olympic flame flickered out on Sunday night, Chinese could congratulate themselves that the event on which they had staked so much had unfolded almost precisely according to their game plan.
   The striking success of the Olympics-burnishing China’s prestige as the world admired its sporting prowess, organizational skills, and dramatically modern urban landscapes—could encourage profound changes in the country, say a range of Chinese and foreign analysts.
   “The implications of the Olympics go beyond a recognition that China is a sports power,” says Wenran Jiang, a politics professor at the University of Alberta in Canada. “There are many ways in which the Games will move China forward.”
   Beijing invested this summer’s Olympics with enormous bankroll: They were to crown the country’s rise to the status of a global power.
   Almost from the moment the Games began with a “shock and awe” opening ceremony, the sports became the main story line.
   From TV audiences presented with a “picture-perfect” Games, in the words of Professor Jiang, to visitors here impressed by what they have found, the spectacle has served its purpose.
   Before she came to Beijing, Nadine Lewman says, her impression of China was of “sweatshops and smog.” Now, adds the resident from Portland, “I think it’s a beautiful country. Seeing it has changed my image and I would love to come back. They’ve sold me.”
   “I think the Games have been a stunning success for the Chinese government in terms of its international image,” says David Shambaugh, Director of the China Policy Program at George Washington University. “This is going to earn China considerable international respect.”
   For more than a hundred years, China’s leaders have set themselves the goal of recovering international respect after humiliation at the hands of Europe and the United States in the 19th century. For more than half a century the ruling Communist Party has made “standing up to the world” a key plank in its platform.
   Successful Olympics, suggests Dali Yang, who heads the department of politics at the University of Chicago, could help move China from “a sense of inadequacy ... to a feeling that China can do this, and do it well.”
   There have been signs over the past two weeks of a more relaxed and self-confident Chinese public. Fans have showed exuberant support for the home team rather than the chauvinism that officials had feared. They even cheered Chinese coaches of foreign teams, rather than treating them as traitors.
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