
来源 :中小学音乐教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyzqwww
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是木琴的最简约化,音阶左右两排交错间隔排列,呈上行向前、下行向后轨迹,两手各自弹奏一定的琴键,极少翻越和交叉,演奏技巧简易,儿童很快学会演奏,很快表现乐曲,很快融入课堂教学;分自然音阶和平均律排列,音域g~1-a~3,每个琴键印有五线谱和简谱标记,面积小于单人课桌,琴上有桌面支腿,可另配地面支架和共鸣筒;本厂有演奏教材和《趣味木琴教学法》教材,网上有教学视频。 Is the most simple xylophone, the left and right rows of two staggered intervals arranged in the uplink forward and backward backward trajectory, each playing their own keys, rarely crossing and crossing, playing skills simple, children learn to play quickly, very Fast performance of the music, quickly integrated into classroom teaching; sub-natural scale and the average law, the pitch g ~ 1-a ~ 3, each key printed staves and notations, the area is less than a single desks, , Can be reprovisioned with ground support and resonance tube; the factory has played teaching materials and “fun xylophone teaching method” teaching materials, online teaching video.
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提出了一种车辆可靠性分析中威布尔分布的参数估计公式,并用蒙特卡洛法进行模拟验证。模拟结果表明,参数估计公式正确,采用蒙特卡洛法进行模拟验证可行。 A parameter estimati
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