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2012年的这个暑假,对于中山纪念中学定向越野队的教练和队员们来说,注定是一个提早到来的“丰收金秋”。7月1日,在斯洛伐克举行的2012世界青年定向锦标赛上,该校高中学生梁小明、陈永雄、陈志明组队参加青年男子短距离比赛,获得了团体季军,改写了我国世青定向锦标赛的历史;在半个月后的广东省第十届中学生运动会上,代表中山市参赛的纪中定向越野队在16个项目的比赛中全部获得金牌;同月,2012全国学生定向运动锦标赛在黑龙江省伊春市举行,纪中在 2012 summer vacation, Zhongshan Memorial Memorial Orienteering coaches and team members, is bound to be an early arrival “Harvest Autumn ”. On July 1, at the 2012 World Youth Orienteering Championships in Slovakia, Liang Xiaoming, Chen Yongxiong and Chen Zhiming, high school students of the university formed teams to participate in the young men’s short distance competition and won the third runner-up in the team, rewriting the history of our country’s Green Orienteering Championships ; Half a month later, Guangdong Province at the Tenth Middle School Games, on behalf of Zhongshan City, Zhongshan City, center-oriented cross-country team in the 16 projects all won the gold medal; the same month, 2012 National Student Orienteering Championships in Yichun, Heilongjiang Province Held in the city, in the middle of
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