Oral mucosal involvement in visceral leishmaniasis

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzsman
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Leishmaniasis affects both the visceral and cutaneous tissues in body.OralMucosal involvement in leishmaniasis is rare and is often overlooked.We present a case17 year old boy from the north east region ofBihar who has a history of visceral leishmaniasis one year back, came to the department of oral surgery for treatment of persistent oral ulcers.Oral examination did not give any diagnostic information while systemic examination revealed enlarged spleen and low grade fever.Patient was screened for leishmaniasis by rK39 based immunochromatographic strip test which came to be positive.Biopsy of the ulcer as well as splenic and bone marrow aspirate confirmed the presence of leishmaniasis.Patient was administeredAmphotericinB for20 days following which significant clinical and haematological improvement followed.
Objective:To explore a rapid diagnostic method in neonatal sepsis and bacterial meningitis. Methods:The primers were designed and synthesized hased on 16S rRNA
目的 针对乳突根治鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤中耳炎的效果进行分析.方法 本次研究选取来我院就诊的65例胆脂瘤中耳炎患者进行研究,将其分为治疗组(n =32例)和对照组(n=33例),对照
目的评估快速紫外线/核黄素角膜胶原交联(ACXL)联合准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)治疗近视术后6个月的临床效果。方法前瞻性自身对照研究。选取18例(36眼)近视患者,先进行飞秒激光制瓣的LASIK,角膜瓣复位前用Vibex Xtra核黄素溶液浸润角膜基质床90 s后复位角膜瓣,应用辐照强度为30 mW/cm2的紫外光(KXL系统)照射角膜90 s,总能量为2.7 J/cm2,进行ACXL
Tuberculosis has global presence and no part of human body is immune to it, most frequent site beings lungs.Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis is a rare type of extrap
Objective:To investigate insects visiting sun exposed and shaded decomposing rabbit carcasses and to establish the relationship between insects and carcasses wh
目的 探讨急性喉炎的病因、临床症状、检查、诊断及治疗.方法 抽选我院2016年2月~ 2018年8月收治的62例急性喉炎患者的临床资料,进行回顾性分析.结果 62例患者中,多数为上呼吸
目的通过使用不同浓度核黄素联合蓝光照射对兔巩膜组织行胶原交联,评估交联后的巩膜生物力学强度,探讨蓝光-核黄素交联法较合理的核黄素浓度。方法实验研究。选取成年健康新西兰白兔共10只(20眼)。根据随机数字法分为2组,每组5只。均选取右眼为实验眼,左眼为对照眼,2组分别应用0.1%(Ⅰ组)和0.5%(Ⅱ组)核黄素溶液联合460 nm蓝光进行巩膜胶原交联,术后2个月处死动物,取巩膜标本进行单轴拉伸试验,