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中国人养成早晨打开电视机的习惯是近期的事儿。而所有打开电视机的人,看的是同一个节目——《东方时空》。在这个节目中《生活空间》专门“讲述老百姓自己的故事”。这一“讲”不要紧,把老百姓的胃口给吊起来了,总觉得明天“故事”里的主人公,备不住就是自己身边的人。出于同样的好奇心,我与同事周家望跑到位于北三环的北京医科大学电教馆,看看《东方时空》的“生活空间”有多大,也给我刊的读者们讲讲 It is a recent event for the Chinese to develop the habit of turning on the TV in the morning. And all the people who turn on the TV set watch the same show - “Oriental Time and Space.” In this program “living space” special “tells the story of ordinary people ”. It does not matter that the appellation of the common people lifts up the appetite of the common people and always feels that the protagonist in the “story” of Tomorrow can not prepare itself for the people around. With the same curiosity, I and my colleague Zhou Jiawang went to the Beijing Medical University Audio-visual Hall located in the North Third Ring Road to see how much “living space” in “Oriental Space and Time” was also addressed to my readers.