嵊州经济开发区 山水园林城市 创业居家乐园

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嵊州经济开发区系省级经济开发区,1994年经浙江省人民政府批准设立。2001年,根据工业经济发展的态势和产业发展的要求,嵊州市委、市政府在制定《嵊州市国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》中,适时提出了“工业立市、开放兴市、特色建市”发展战略,确立了“合力兴工、聚焦园区”的工作思路,把开发区作为推进嵊州工业化和城市化的一项重大战略工程来抓。“十五”期间,嵊州经济开发区坚持高起点规划、高标准建设、高效能管理,按照“充分授权、封闭运行”和市场化运作的要求,形成了自己的优势和特色。嵊州经济开发区区位条件得天独厚。104国道、上三高速公路与甬金高速公路在开发区交汇,宁波、杭州、义乌、台州在一小时交通圈内。开发区依山傍水,生态优良,已成为长三角地区的后花园。开发区新规划面积达到35平方公里,其中一期18平方公里已全面建成,下辖城东分区、浦口分区和城北分区,已基本形成了欧洲工业园、韩国工业园、台湾工业园等区中园。区内累计完成基础投资15亿元,通车路网长度达到62公里,完成绿化面积65万平方米,基础配套实现“九通一平”。产业结构富有特色和优势。建成了领带、机电、厨具等特色工业园区;已成为全球最大的领带生产基地,先进的针织加工基地、机电制造基地和厨具制造基地,电子信息、汽摩配等新兴产业发展势头也十分迅猛。“十五”期间,开发区累计入园234家企业,累计完成投资近100亿元,吸引各类外资企业120家,累计合同外资和实到外资分别为4.5亿美元和2.5亿美元。2004年被评为省级先进开发区,2005年被评为省级优秀开发区,综合考核排名全省第二名。2005年底被国家发改委重新确认为省级开发区,是全绍兴市三个通过审核的开发区之一。2006年3月,在由中国新闻社评价中心组织的“首届中国最具竞争力品牌企业调查活动”年度排行中,荣获“中国最具发展潜力工业同区50强”。 Shengzhou Economic Development Zone is a provincial-level economic development zone, which was approved by Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government in 1994. In 2001, in accordance with the trend of industrial economic development and the requirements of industrial development, Shengzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government formulated the Outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Shengzhou City, Municipalities and cities with special features “development strategy, established the” work together to focus on the park, “the work of thinking, the development zone as a Shengzhou industrialization and urbanization of a major strategic project to grasp. During the ”Tenth Five-Year Plan“ period, Shengzhou Economic Development Zone adhered to its high starting point planning, high standard construction and efficient management and formed its own advantages and characteristics according to the requirements of ”full authorization and closed operation“ and market-oriented operation. Shengzhou Economic Development Zone, unique location conditions. 104 State Road, the Third Highway and the Yongjin Expressway intersection in the zone, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Yiwu, Taizhou in one hour traffic circle. Development Zone Yishanbangshui, good ecology, has become the Yangtze River Delta region after the garden. The newly planned area of ​​the development zone has reached 35 square kilometers, of which 18 square kilometers of the first phase have been completed. The districts of Chengdong, Pukou and Chengbei are under the jurisdiction of the zone and have basically formed such zones as European Industrial Park, Korea Industrial Park and Taiwan Industrial Park garden. In the district, a total of 1.5 billion yuan of basic investment has been completed and the opening of the road network has reached 62 kilometers in length, with a green area of ​​650,000 square meters and a complete infrastructure of ”nine connections and one leveling“. Industrial structure full of features and advantages. It has become the largest production base of tie in the world, advanced knitting processing base, electromechanical manufacturing base and kitchenware manufacturing base. The emerging industries such as electronic information, automobile and motorcycle industry are developing rapidly. During the ”Tenth Five-Year Plan“ period, a total of 234 enterprises have been admitted to the zone, with a total investment of nearly 10 billion yuan, attracting 120 foreign-funded enterprises. The total contracted foreign investment and actual foreign investment reached 450 million U.S. dollars and 250 million U.S. dollars respectively. In 2004 was named the provincial advanced zone, in 2005 was named the provincial outstanding development zone, ranking second in the province comprehensive assessment. By the end of 2005, it was re-confirmed as a provincial development zone by the National Development and Reform Commission and one of the three approved development zones in Shaoxing. In March 2006, won the ”Top 50 Industries in the Same Region with the Most Potential for Development in China“ in the annual ranking of ”The First China Most Competitive Brand Enterprises Survey" organized by China News Service Evaluation Center.
目的探讨CD34+细胞分选的自身干细胞移植在儿童难治性系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)中的治疗效果。方法2例病程分别为5年和7年、狼疮肾-III级和IV级、主要表现为持续性血小板减少、蛋白尿和胸腔积液的患儿,首先经重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子动员、CS-3000血细胞分离机采集外周血,获取单个核细胞,通过CliniMACS CD34+细胞分选仪分别得到了1.7×106/kg及1.0×106/kg CD34+细
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