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近几年来,有的医院以国家投资方式自筹资金购买房屋使用权和租赁房屋用于医疗服务。对此,会计制度没有做出规定。笔者认为,这种作法影响了医疗成本核算的真实性,使固定资产耗费得不到合理的补偿,造成医院财务成果虚盈实亏,所以应区别不同情况做出帐务处理: 1.购买房屋使用权并交纳房屋租金的,由房屋所有者负责房屋维修费,医院应将所购买房屋作为帐外固定资产进行管理,按买购房屋使用权款计提一般修购费。 2.目前,医院租赁房管部门房屋的租赁费一般低于房屋维修费。对此,房屋所有者一般要求医院支 In recent years, some hospitals have used self-raised funds to purchase house-use rights and lease houses for medical services using state investment. In this regard, the accounting system did not make regulations. The author believes that this practice affects the authenticity of the medical cost accounting, so that the fixed asset costs can not be reasonably compensated, resulting in the hospital financial results as a virtual loss, so it should be different to make account transactions: 1. Purchase of housing If the right to use the building is paid and the rent for the house is paid, the owner of the house shall be responsible for the maintenance of the house. The hospital shall manage the purchased house as a fixed asset outside the account, and shall accrue the general purchase fee according to the right to purchase the purchased house. 2. At present, the rental fees for the housing rental department of hospitals are generally lower than the housing maintenance fees. In this regard, homeowners generally require hospital support.
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作者于 1997年 10月调查了我市两个亏损中型企业的全部下岗职工的焦虑抑郁状况 ,并作初步分析于后。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 均系我市柴油机厂和植物油厂全部下岗职工 ,共10
从2004年开始,中国艺博会的数量开始大幅度增加,许多一线城市都有一个大规模的艺术博览会,像北京、上海这样的大城市甚至有好几个,而且举办时间接近,资源 Since 2004, the n
本文介绍一种采用非介入方式治疗前列腺疾病的新仪器-ERFH-200型体外射频治疗机。应用该机对前列腺患者进行康复治疗效果良好。 This article describes a new instrument, the ERFH-