来源 :Journal of Xi'an Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nixijiunianzhi
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Objective To study the relationshlp between the spontaneous nocturnal eplsodes of alkaiinization and the autonomic nerve system function and vagal function-Methods 24-hour intragastric pH was measured and autonomic and vagal function was measured with the time domain analyses of heart rate variability in 2o patients with functional dyspepsia but without diseases of the cardiovascular system- Results 13 of 2o had the nocturnal episodes of alkalinization. The to tal 24-hour SDNN and MSSD were normal in 2o subjects with FD. There was no signiflcant difference (P>O. O5) in the comparison of the total SDNN and rMSSD of the 2 groups with alkalinization and without alkalinization. The 2 groups both had higher PNN5os in the nocturnal time, and there was no significant difference (P>O. O5). Conclusion The results suggest that the total autonpmlc nerve function and vagal function of patients with FD are normal vagal activities of the 2 groups are both increased in the nocturnal period. The reason for tbe nocturnal episodes of alkalinization is not a decrease of vagal activity with a subsequent decrease of secretion Objective To study the relationshlp between the spontaneous nocturnal eplsodes of alkaiinization and the autonomic nerve system function and vagal function-Methods 24-hour intragastric pH was measured and autonomic and vagal function was measured with the time domain analyzes of heart rate variability in 2o patients with functional topepsia but without diseases of the cardiovascular system- Results 13 of 2o had the nocturnal episodes of alkalinization. The to tal 24-hour SDNN and MSSD were normal in 2o subjects with FD. There was no signiflcant difference (P> O. O5) in the comparison of the total SDNN and rMSSD of the 2 groups with alkalinization and without alkalinization. The 2 groups both had higher PNN5os in the nocturnal time, and there was no significant difference (P> O. O5). Conclusion The results suggest that the total autonpmlc nerve function and vagal function of patients with FD are normal vagal activities of the 2 groups are both increased in the nocturnal period. The reaso n for tbe nocturnal episodes of alkalinization is not a decrease of vagal activity with a subsequent decrease of secretion
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