Effect of Doping and High-Temperature Annealing on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Zn_(1

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eagleqizha
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This paper reported the synthesis,crystal structure and electrical conductivity properties of Ni-doped ZnO powders(i.e.Zn 1 X Ni X O binary system,X=0,0.0025,0.005,0.0075 and in the range 0.01≤X≤0.15).Iphase samples,which were indexed as single phase with a hexagonal(wurtzite) structure in the Zn 1 X Ni X O binary system,were determined by X-ray diffraction(XRD).The widest range of the I-phase was determined as 0≤X≤0.03 at 1200 C;above this range the mixed phase was observed.The impurity phase was determined as NiO when compared with standard XRD data,using the PDF program.We focused on single I-phase ZnO samples which were synthesized at 1200 C because of the widest range of solubility limit at this temperature.It was observed that the lattice parameters a and c of the I-phase decreased with Ni doping concentration.The morphology of the I-phase samples was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope.The electrical conductivity of the pure ZnO and single I-phase samples were studied by using the four-probe dc method at temperatures between 100 and 950 C in air atmosphere.The electrical conductivity values of pure ZnO and 3 mol% Ni-doped ZnO samples at 100 C were 2×10 6 and 4.8×10 6 1 ·cm 1,and at 950 C they were 1.8 and 3.6 1 ·cm 1,respectively.In other words,electrical conductivity increased with Ni doping concentration. This paper reported the synthesis, crystal structure and electrical conductivity properties of Ni-doped ZnO powders (ieZn 1 X Ni XO binary system, X = 0, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075 and in the range 0.01 ≦ X ≦ 0.15) , which were indexed as single phase with a hexagonal (wurtzite) structure in the Zn 1 X Ni XO binary system, were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The widest range of the I-phase was determined as 0 ≦ X ≦ 0.03 at 1200 C; above this range the mixed phase was observed. The impurity phase was determined as NiO when compared with standard XRD data, using the PDF program. We focused on single I-phase ZnO samples which were synthesized at 1200 C because of the widest range of solubility limit at this temperature. It was observed that the lattice parameters a and c of the I-phase decreased with Ni doping concentration. The morphology of the I-phase samples was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The electrical conductivity of the pure ZnO and single I-phase samples were s tudied by using the four-probe dc method at temperatures between 100 and 950 C in air atmosphere. The electrical conductivity values ​​of pure ZnO and 3 mol% Ni-doped ZnO samples at 100 C were 2 × 10 6 and 4.8 × 10 6 1 · Cm 1, and at 950 C they were 1.8 and 3.6 1 · cm 1, respectively.In other words, electrical conductivity increased with Ni doping concentration.
Fas相关磷酸酯酶(fas associated phosphatase,FAP)-1是近年来发现的一种蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酯酶(PTP),属于Fas系统的负调节因子。1995年Sato等[1]发现其能与Fas抗原相互作用,
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【摘 要】   随着中央广播电视大学转型为国家开放大学,这所利用“云路端”实现泛在学习的全新大学,将在更大程度上挑战其从业者的信息技术能力。开放大学教师信息技术能力的提升,需要三方合力:一是需要学校在制度层面做好监管,完善信息技术考核细则的顶层设计,引导教师形成主动提升的意识;二是需要通过多种途径提高学生网上教学活动参与度,激发学生对优质资源的强烈渴求,形成倒逼机制,开辟内生压力、自我助力的新路径
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地面沉降是世界上许多国家面临的共同的灾害性问题,为控制地面沉降,预防灾害和减少损失,根本措施是防止地下水超采。 Ground subsidence is a common and catastrophic prob