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川南制钉厂是一个以生产、销售建筑装饰用钉及相关工具的较大的小五金企业,20世纪90年代初企业的形势还是一片大好,基本上是垄断性经营。但进入90年代末,随着全国性的建筑装饰业萧条及竞争的加剧,企业形势一落千丈。为此企业及时调整市场营销策略,加大力度完善与规范固有营销渠道,并卓有成效。一该企业是20世纪60年代初建成投产的国有三线企业,于70年代末部分转产民用品。在营销渠道上沿用军用产品模式,即多以系统内的物资交易公司为代理商 South China Nail Factory is a production and sales of decorative nails and related tools larger hardware companies, the early 1990s the situation of the business is still a good, basically monopoly management. However, entering the late 90s, with the national construction industry declines and competition intensified, the business situation plummeted. To this end the timely adjustment of marketing strategies, and strengthen efforts to improve and standardize the inherent marketing channels, and fruitful. The enterprise was a state-owned third-line enterprise put into operation in the early 1960s, and partially converted civilian products in the late 1970s. In the marketing channels to follow the military product model, that is, more systems trading company for the agents
新世纪,中国企业将面临着全球经济一体化等多重挑战,智慧的比拼刚刚开始。 In the new century, Chinese enterprises will face multiple challenges such as global econo
Irisin is a polypeptide hormone derived from the proteolytic cleavage of fibronectin-type III domaincontaining 5(FNDC5) protein. Once released to circulation up
中国市场已经在人才储备、资金运营、企业观念、市场化运作各方面开始全面“热身”,正等待“世纪追逐”的发令枪打响…… The Chinese market has started a full-scale “w
目的 :探讨射频治疗消化道息肉的疗效。方法 :经内镜活检钳道导入射频治疗电极导管 ,电极金属头直接接触息肉 ,启动脚踏开关即可治疗。功率选择 2 5~ 35W ,每次放电时间 4~ 8秒