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社会声望,也被称为社会地位,指的是社会上的绝大多数人对某个人或某个群体的综合性价值评价。换言之,是指个人或群体所受到的社会尊敬程度与经济地位差异相比较,社会地位的等级差异具有更强的稳定性和更持久的影响力。韦伯在其著名的《阶级、身份和政党》一文中,对经济分层(阶级)与社会声望分层(身份)加以区分并进行比较。他认为,社会声望分层由社会价值评价体系所决定,具有一定的稳定性,对人们的身份认同、价值态度和行为方式有直接影响,而经济分层对这些方面的影响则不那么直接。吉登斯的结构化理论进一步发展了韦伯的观点,他认为,经济差异导致了社会差异,或者说,经济分层与社会声望分层相吻合,社会分化才得以结构化,即产生了阶级或阶层,形成了阶级结构或阶层结构。本文将从以下几个方面进一步探讨和分析当前我国各职业的社会声望。 Social prestige, also known as social status, refers to the comprehensive value evaluation of an individual or a group by the overwhelming majority in society. In other words, it refers to the level of social respect individuals and groups receive as compared with the difference in economic status, and the level differences in social status have a stronger stability and a more lasting influence. In his famous article, “Class, Identity and Political Parties,” Weber distinguished and compared economic stratification (class) with social stratification (identity). In his opinion, the stratification of social reputation is determined by the social value evaluation system and has some stability. It has a direct impact on people’s identity, value attitude and behavior, and economic stratification has less direct impact on these aspects. Gedden’s structural theory further developed Weber’s point of view. He believes that economic differences lead to social differences, or that economic stratification and social prestige stratification coincide, social differentiation can be structured, that is, the emergence of a class or Stratum, formed a class structure or class structure. This article will further explore and analyze the social reputation of various occupations in our country from the following aspects.