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近年来棉花种籽发芽率不高,已成为制约棉花生产恢复和发展的重要原因之一。绵阳市1990年统计棉种发芽率为20~70%,一般在40%左右;四川优质棉基地的简阳县棉种发芽率也只在30~50%。影响棉种发芽率的因素有以下几种: In recent years, cotton seed germination rate is not high, has become a constraint cotton production recovery and development of one of the important reasons. Mianyang City in 1990 statistics cotton seed germination rate of 20 to 70%, generally about 40%; Sichuan high-quality cotton base Jianyang cotton seed germination rate is only 30 to 50%. Affect cotton seed germination rate of the following factors:
Sixteen compounds, including two new natural products(1 and 2), were obtained from the twigs of Illicium angustisepalum. The structures were elucidated based on
The biological relevance of cytokines is known for more than 20 years.Evidence suggests that adipogenesis is one of the biological events involved in the regula
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Shenfu Injection(SFI) is a well-defined Chinese herbal formulation that is obtained from red ginseng and processed aconite root. The main active constituents in
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)是世界上第四大粮食作物,种植面积仅次于水稻、小麦和玉米,同时也是菜、饲、加工兼用及工业原料作物,在农业生产和人民生活中均占有重要地位。而晚疫病是马铃薯生产的一种毁灭性病害,在全球范围内绝大多数栽培马铃薯的地区广泛传播。其危害性、防治难度及对社会影响已超过了水稻稻瘟病和小麦锈病被视为国际第一大作物病害。克隆抗病基因,实现田间抗病基因的多态性是目前马铃
Dendrobium species and their corresponding medicinal slices have been extensively used as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in many Asian countries. However, i