
来源 :第三军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rsbgrc
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目的:探讨放射损伤合并烧伤肠源性感染的特点及其复合效应。方法:采用小鼠15%Ⅲ度烧伤、8Gy放射损伤及两伤复合的动物模型,用3H-TdR标记大肠杆菌,喂饲小鼠,分别于伤后1~96h,9个时相点检测肝、脾、肠系膜淋巴结的dpm值△。结果:①三类损伤后均发生了肠道细菌移居,但定植于肠道的标记菌进入组织的量和达峰值的时间不尽一致。单烧、复合伤肠道细菌移居发生早(4h),单放稍晚(6h),说明烧伤在早期肠道细菌移居中占主要地位;伤后6h,单烧和复合伤达峰值,而单放于伤后12h细菌移居达峰值;随后细菌移居逐渐减少,到96h单烧肠道细菌移居已不明显,而此时单放和复合伤仍很严重。②单放和复合伤细菌移居的程度重,以复合伤最重,dpm值大于单一伤,但小于两伤之和,即“1<1+1<2”。结论:复合伤动物与两单伤比较,肠道细菌移居具有发生早、程度重、恢复慢的特点,防治时应予重视。 Objective: To investigate the characteristics of gonorrhea infection combined with radiotherapy and its combined effects. Methods: The animal model of 15% Ⅲ degree burn, 8Gy radiation injury combined with two injuries was used. The mice were fed with 3H-TdR labeled E.coli and the mice were sacrificed at 1-96h and 9h after injury respectively , Spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes dpm value △. Results: (1) Intestinal bacteria migrated after the three types of injury, but the amount of labeled bacteria colonized in the intestine did not reach the same level as the peak time. Single burn, combined injury intestinal bacterial migration occurred early (4h), single put slightly later (6h), indicating that burn in early intestinal bacterial migration accounted for the main position; 6h after injury, single burn and combined injury reached the peak, and single Bacterial colonization reached a peak at 12h after injury; bacterial colonization then decreased gradually, and bacterial colonization by 96h was not obvious at this time, but single and combined trauma were still very serious. Single and complex wounds migrated to a greater extent, with the heaviest combined injury, dpm value greater than a single injury, but less than the sum of two injuries, that is, “1 <1 +1 <2”. Conclusion: Compared with two single wounds, the animals with intestinal trauma have the characteristics of early, severe and slow recovery of intestinal bacteria, and should be taken into account in prevention and treatment.
为比较氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)、顺铂和紫杉醇诱导人绒癌细胞系 BeWo 凋亡的效应,用 Annexin VFITC/PI 流式细胞技术(FCM)定量分析三种抗癌药在不同浓度、不同时间下所诱发 BeWo 细胞
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目的探讨不同条件的微波辐射对大鼠远后期学习和记忆功能、氨基酸类神经递质及海马组织结构影响。方法采用105只二级雄性Wistar大鼠,以平均功率密度的不同随机分为0 m W/cm2
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