60 GHz OCS mm-wave generation for ROF system based on saturated parametric amplification effect in H

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aionkina
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A novel approach to generate 60 GHz optical carrier suppression(OCS) millimeter-wave(mm-wave) signal based on the saturated optical parametric amplification(OPA) effect in high non-linear fiber(HNLF) is investigated.In the proposed system,the OPA effect occurs when the signal and pump with 30 GHz frequency interval are set into the high non-linear fiber.By controlling the length of HNLF,OPA effect saturates,and the pump power is delivered in a large extent to the signal and idler light,so a 60 GHz OCS mm-wave is generated.The system does not need high-speed external modulator,high-frequency vibration source or narrow-band filter,which greatly reduces the cost and improves the stability of the radio over fiber(ROF) system.Results show that the 10 Gb/s downstream signal can be transmitted with negligible power penalty. A novel approach to generate 60 GHz optical carrier suppression (OCS) millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signal based on the saturated optical parametric amplification (OPA) effect in high non-linear fiber (HNLF) the OPA effect occurs when the signal and pump with 30 GHz frequency interval are set into the high non-linear fiber. BY controlling the length of HNLF, OPA effect saturates, and the pump power is delivered in a large extent to signal and idler light, so a 60 GHz OCS mm-wave is generated. The system does not need high-speed external modulator, high-frequency vibration source or narrow-band filter, which greatly reduces the cost and improves the stability of the radio over fiber ( ROF) system.Results show that the 10 Gb / s downstream signal can be transmitted with negligible power penalty.
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