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党的十四届五中全会制定的《国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标的建议》,把水利摆在基础建设的第一位,在总共40条中有6条9处提到水利,这是党的重要文件中,第一次把水利放在如此重要位置,表明全党对水利的认识已有一个新的飞跃,标志着我国水利进入了一个新的发展时期,同时也赋予水利最大、最好、最有利的机遇,省水利学会必须利用自身的优势,把学会办成健康、活跃的社团组织,充分发挥咨询、桥梁和纽带作用.我省是一个水资源严重短缺的省份,全省地面径流量为420亿立方米,但地区分布十分不均.黄河流域土地面积占全省75%,地表径流量仅为107亿立方米,占25%;长江流域土地面积占全省25%,地表径流量为313亿立方米,占75%左右,位于黄河流域的关中地区是全省政治、经济、文化中心,目前地表水资源仅为80亿立方米左右(包括泾河、渭河的入境客水),人均占有水量303立方米,相当于全国平均水平的12%,亩均为209立方米,相当于全国平均水平的15%,关中的泾东、渭北地区人均和亩均的占有水量还要低.到2010年关中地区缺水量为20~30亿立方米,其中西安市缺水量为15~20亿立方米.目前西安的供水能力只能满足实际需求量的70%,地表水严重不足,导致了地下水的大量超采,由此而引起 The “Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Proposed Vision for 2010” formulated by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put water conservancy in the first place of infrastructure construction, out of a total of 40 6 Mentioned in the water conservancy, which is an important document of the party, for the first time put water conservancy on such an important position, indicating that the whole party has a new leap in understanding of water conservancy, marking China’s water conservancy has entered a new period of development, At the same time, it also gives the largest, best and most favorable opportunities for water conservancy. The provincial water conservancy institute must make use of its own advantages to organize the society into a healthy and active community organization and give full play to its role as a consultation, bridge and link. Shortage of provinces, the province’s runoff of 420 billion cubic meters of ground, but the distribution is uneven.River of the Yellow River Basin, 75% of the province’s land area, surface runoff of only 10.7 billion cubic meters, accounting for 25% of the land area of ​​the Yangtze River Basin Accounting for 25% of the province, surface runoff of 31.3 billion cubic meters, accounting for about 75%, located in the Yellow River Basin Guanzhong region is the political, economic and cultural center, the current surface water resources is only about 8 billion cubic meters (including the Jing Into the river, Weihe River Passenger water), the per capita amount of water 303 cubic meters, equivalent to 12% of the national average, 209 mu of mu each, equivalent to 15% of the national average, Jingzhong, Weibei area per capita and mu possession The amount of water is even lower.Water shortage in Guanzhong area of ​​20 to 30 billion cubic meters by 2010, of which water deficit in Xi’an is 15 to 2 billion cubic meters.At present, water supply capacity in Xi’an can only meet the actual demand of 70% A serious shortage of surface water, resulting in a large number of over-exploitation of groundwater, resulting from
【摘 要】教师良好的“自我专业意识”是推动教师专业发展的源动力。本文在分析高职院校教师“自我专业意识”现状的基础上,分析了精品课程建设对教师“自我专业意识”培养和保持的积极作用。  【关键词】精品课程建设;教师自我专业意识;高职教师专业发展  一、教师的自我专业意识  自我意识是人对自己身心状态及对自己同客观世界的关系的意识。其具有能动性的特点,自我意识的能动性不仅表现在个体能根据社会或他人的评价
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