Phase boundary sliding model controlled by diffusion-solution zone in superplastic deformation

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LQ0121
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With scanning electron microscope (SEM), the surface morphology of phase boundary sliding (PBS) in superplastic deformation (SPD) of Zn-Al alloy and the diffusion behavior of Zn, Al interfaces in their powers’ sintering have been investigated. The results show that Zn-Al eutec-toid microstructure can be achieved through their powders’ sintering, and the diffusion characteristic between Zn and Al is just a demonstration of Kirkendall effect, in which Zn can dissolve into Al whereas Al can hardly dissolve into Zn. During sintering, a diffusion-solution zone a’ has formed and subsequently transformed into a eutectoid microstructure in the cooling process. The superplastic deformation mechanism of Zn-Al eutectic alloy is phase boundary sliding which is controlled by the diffusion-solution zone α’. If the diffusion-solution zone α’ is unsaturated, it will have much more crystal defects and the combination between α’ and phase P is weak, thus the process of phase boundary sliding becomes easily; on the cont With scanning electron microscope (SEM), the surface morphology of phase boundary sliding (PBS) in superplastic deformation (SPD) of Zn-Al alloy and the diffusion behavior of Zn, Al interfaces in their powers’ sintering have been investigated. The results show that Zn-Al eutec-toid microstructure can be achieved through their powders’ sintering, and the diffusion characteristic between Zn and Al is just a demonstration of Kirkendall effect, in which Zn can be dissolved into Al to Al can hardly dissolve into Zn. , a diffusion-solution zone a ’has formed and the following transformed into a eutectoid microstructure in the cooling process. The superplastic deformation mechanism of Zn-Al eutectic alloy is phase boundary sliding which is controlled by the diffusion-solution zone α’. If the diffusion-solution zone α ’is unsaturated, it will have much more crystal defects and the combination between α’ and phase P is weak, thus the process of phase boundary sliding is easily; on the cont
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