Innovation and culture of team work

来源 :National Science Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beret85
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Innovation in science is oten associated with the image of a lone scientist at the bench making a ground-breaking discovery,yet many breakthroughs in both basic and applied science critically depend on efective team work.his is best exempliied by major discoveries in high-energy particle physics,for which hundreds of scientists made innovative contributions to interlinked components of the work.On the other hand,most scientists are driven by their individual aspiration and career objec- Innovation in science is oten associated with the image of a lone scientist at the bench making a ground-breaking discovery, yet many breakthroughs in both basic and applied science critically depend on efective team work.his is best exempliied by major discoveries in high-energy particle physics, for which hundreds of scientists made innovative contributions to interlinked components of the work. On the other hand, most scientists are driven by their individual aspiration and career objec-
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