
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyanling100wang
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教师要组织好小班幼儿的一日生活,使他们爱上幼儿园,能愉快地参加集体活动,单凭说教是行不通的,需要讲究点教学艺术。我认为可以从以下几个方面去努力。一、游戏化,故事化三岁幼儿好动、好模仿,喜欢游戏是幼儿的天性。故事的语言优美,情节生动有趣,爱听故事是幼儿的共性。幼儿年龄小,分辨能力弱,他们深信游戏、故事中的角色都是真的,又往往喜欢模仿某个角色。根据这些特点,教师可有意识地将游戏或故事中的某个角色的形象加以夸张,将幼儿的活动内容与某个角色相 Teachers should organize the day-long activities of young children in small classes, make them fall in love with kindergartens and participate in group activities with pleasure. Only preaching can not work and the teaching art needs to be emphasized. I think we can try from the following aspects. First, the game, the story of three-year-old child carefree, good imitation, like the nature of children’s games. The story of the beautiful language, lively and interesting plot, love to listen to the story is a common child care. Young children are young and have poor resolution. They are convinced that the characters in the story are real and often like to imitate a character. According to these characteristics, teachers can intentionally exaggerate the image of a character in a game or a story, associate the activity of a child with a character
一棵树的树根不知不觉地在微笑,他甜蜜地回味着往事带给他的乐趣。老树根想啊想,进入了梦乡,他仿佛又回到了从前…… The roots of a tree smiled unconsciously, sweet aft
2000年9月15日  赣价费字〔2000〕83号各地、市、县物价局:  现将国家计委《关于机动车停放服务收费管理办法》(计价格〔2000〕933号)转发给你们,并结合我省实际制定本实施细
一天傍晚,我背着书包走在回家的路上。突然,一阵凄凉的“唧唧”声从路旁的树下传来,我走近一看,原来是一只刚出生几 One evening, I walked home with my schoolbag. Sudden
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星星姐姐:只听过换玩具、换牙齿、换礼物……还真没听过换食物,更何况对象是松鼠,想一探究竟,那就瞧瞧去吧! Star sister: only heard of changing toys, changing teeth, c