10.6 支撑——更加坚实

来源 :职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjbdn
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到2020年,中等和专科层次职业教育在校生达到3800万左右,接受本科层次职业教育的学生达到一定规模,从业人员继续教育达到3.5亿人次,培养数以亿计的工程师、高级技工和高素质职业人才,为人力资源强国建设提供更加坚实的支撑,见图10-5。 By 2020, the number of secondary and vocational-level vocational education students will reach 38 million or so. Undergraduates receiving undergraduate-level vocational education will reach a certain size and the continuing education of employees will reach 350 million and train hundreds of millions of engineers, senior technicians and high-quality Professional personnel, to provide a more solid support for the building of a powerful human resources, see Figure 10-5.
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