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分布式电源的优势在于可以充分开发利用各种分散存在的能源,包括本地方便获取的化石类燃料和可再生能源,并提高能源的利用效率。分布式电源通常接入中低压配电系统,已列入国家“十二五”规划的智能电网的特点之一就是改进互联标准,简化联网的过程,使包含光伏发电、风力发电和先进的电池储能系统等环境友好型分布式电源安全、无缝地接入电力系统。配电系统已不再是传统的、仅具有分配电能到末端用户的功能,而将演变成能收集分散、随机变动的电力并把它们传送、分配到任何地方的功率交换系统。智能电网对输电系统的优化还使分布式电源能够实现远距离输电。随着电网的智能化和电力接入技术的成熟,分布式电源会越来越多地被采用。分布式电源的应用需要研究哪些技术问题?分布式电源的设计涉及哪些问题?对分布式电源设备有哪些要求?为此,本刊邀请了相关技术人员予以讨论。 Distributed power has the advantage of being able to fully exploit and utilize a variety of dispersed sources of energy, including locally accessible fossil fuels and renewable sources of energy, and increase energy efficiency. Distributed power supply is usually connected to medium and low voltage power distribution systems. One of the characteristics of smart grid that has been included in the national “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” is to improve interconnection standards and simplify the networking process, including photovoltaic power generation, wind power generation and advanced Battery-powered storage systems and other environmentally friendly distributed power security, seamless access to the power system. Power distribution systems are no longer traditional, they only have the function of distributing power to the end user and will evolve into a power exchange system that collects and distributes scattered, randomly fluctuating power to and from anywhere. The optimization of transmission system by smart grid also enables distributed power to deliver long-distance transmission. With the smart grid and power access technology mature, distributed power will be more and more used. What are the technical issues that need to be studied in the application of distributed power supply? What are the issues involved in the design of distributed power supply? What are the requirements for distributed power supply equipment? To this end, we invited the relevant technical personnel to discuss.