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  Tourists experience “capsule” rooms in a hotel in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, on January 14.
  There are more than 100 “capsules” in the hotel, the largest of its kind in the country.
  A 20-square-meter room hosts six capsules, each priced at 45 yuan($7.23) per night.

China is rolling out the red carpet for permanent foreign residents, who will now in principle enjoy the same rights and shoulder the same obligations as Chinese citizens except for political rights o
As if watching a replay of the fight over the U.S. national debt ceiling in 2011, the crisis billed as the “fiscal cliff” ended up with a last-minute compromise between the two major political parties
Tourists queue for visiting the Potala Palace in Lhasa, capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region.  The number of tourists to Tibet surged 21.7 percent year on year to a record 10.58 millio
Compared with the rocky U.S. and European economies, the continuously vibrant economic scene in East Asia has been a focus of international attention. Meanwhile, the United States is shifting its stra
Although its per-capita emission is roughly on par with the world’s average, China is the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter, spawning a nationwide thirst for an expansion of its new energy sector
The Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. put the local and foreign currency sovereign credit ratings of the United States on a negative watch list on December 25, 2012.  The addition
Developing countries are apt to adopt an export-oriented trade policy, which may easily result in emphasizing exports and ignoring imports. Most developed countries, on the other hand, have insisted o
“After work, we need silence,” reads the caption beneath a key and a cellphone resting on a table in a photo posted on Han Ming’s blog.  “It means after I get home, everything workrelated gets blocked
Through the ages Scotch whisky has been the drink of kings, politicians, entertainers and those who aspire to the finer things in life.  It’s traditionally drunk with a splash of water, straight up or
Although the Internet seems to exist as a lawless frontier of identity fraud, anonymous slander and hardcore pornography, some law makers are eagerly bringing justice to the world’s wild Web.  Alibaba